Congratulations to the Freedom U14 Girls for finishing as Champions in the FC Pride CUP!!

Congratulations to the Freedom U14 Girls for finishing as Champions in the FC Pride CUP!!
The Freedom 2013 Girls finished as Champions in the Fall 2022 Dublin Charity Cup!! Congratulations to the team!!
Congratulations to the Freedom 2009 Girls. Bowling Green Fall Challenge Champions!
The Freedom 09 girls team(U13) finished as Finalists in the Warrior Memorial Day Classic. Congratulations to the team on a great weekend!
The Freedom 08 Girls team finished as Champions in the Warrior Memorial Day Classic. The team was undefeated in group play and won the final with a clinical display in a PK shootout.
Congratulations to the Freedom Soccer Club U10 Girls. They are the Spring 2022 and Fall 2021, DIVISION 1 LEAGUE CHAMPIONS in the Ohio Soccer Association
Congrats to our Freedom Soccer Club players selected to the respective Ohio Soccer Association Olympic Development Program State Pools.
2010 Girls
A. Jones
2009 Girls
A. Oakes
2008 Girls
K. Clark
A. Gates
L. Jones
A. Pillion
A. Tackett
G. Eiselstein
Congratulations the Freedom 08(U14) Girls team for finishing as Champions in the MASC tournament. The final was a tight match with Freedom finding the winning goal late in the second period of overtime.
Grace and Lily from the Freedom 08 Girls team are playing in Memphis with Ohio ODP this weekend. Good luck girls!